Project ECOLES
(Economic and Consumer Literacy in European Schools Education)
KA201 - SErasmus+ Program,
KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education,
Project N: 2020-1-BG1-KA201-079100
ΕCOLES (Economic and Consumer Literacy in European Schools Education) project is in all respects interrelated with the sectorial priorities of E+School Education. Developing high quality educational systems, as our proposed action aims on enhancing the quality of systems and provision, in order to foster age appropriate development of students, to achieve better learning outcomes and ensure a good start in education for all, by taking the EU quality framework further, as the project also aims to contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy Targets 4 and 5 (Education, Fighting poverty and social exclusion), while raising awareness within the school education community, and beyond, on the risks of poor personal financial management and irrational consumer behavior.
ECOLES aims to enhance students’ skills and knowledge in dealing with the emerging needs of the digitalized market and the complexity of economic and consumer matters in order to carry out an economic and consumer’s education throughout next school years.
ECOLES is expected to build a series of transversal skills of students, promoting learning on social growth and simultaneously offering new digital solutions and innovative integrated pedagogies. It is widely acknowledged that students and trainers/teachers/educators face many challenges as they deal with increasingly complex and diverse learning situations and meet competence demands in a constantly changing economic and consumer environment in Europe, following the crisis. By providing attractive, effective and efficient tools to be implemented within the school setting, the project will strengthen the profiles of teachers, by supporting them in developing innovative teaching and assessment methods.
The ECOLES project sets out to stimulate and improve students’ economic, consumer literacy, raise the level of achievement of basic skills (literacy, numeracy and basic digital skills) and awareness on their rights as European consumers, and in parallel to provide trainers and teachers of various related disciplines with effective tools to convey important messages and concepts of the market. Thus the project will design, develop, pilot and disseminate training materials and a virtual consumer game for use on behalf of various target groups and for different ages (7-18 years old). Finally, the project will contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy: Target 4 and 5, Education and Fighting poverty, while raising awareness within the school setting on the risks of poor personal financial management and irrational consumer behavior. In addition it aims to contribute in achieving the ET 2020´s strategic objective 2, Improving the quality of education